Monday, April 28, 2008

'The Uses of Not'

Thirty spokes meet in the hub,
but the empty space between them
is the essence of the wheel.

Pots are formed from clay,
but the empty space between it
is the essence of the pot.

Walls with windows and doors form the house,
but the empty space within it
is the essence of the house.

- Lao Tse (Taoist philosopher)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I hope that wasn't too much text in the previous post, it looked a lot smaller when I wrote it out. More importantly it looked like I got less carried away with writing about myself. Oh well.
Considering what I discussed in my first video diary, I think that what has framed much of the surprise in the process for me has been working with such a large group of people. Seven people, seven different sets of problems and seven different sets of expectations.

Probably much of what I initially expected to happen was informed by an individual experience. Certainly when you consider how personal something like a video diary can be, it is not surprising that this could become problematic for a large group.

Though that isn’t to say that there is a ‘problem’ (though there has been), it’s more that when operating in a group, the dynamic of suggestion and creation changes so dramatically. Decisions become more complex and often I found myself encountering that dreadful word – “compromise”.

But compromise in the sense of the creative process is interesting. Interesting in that when compromise occurs amongst 8 people it is not necessarily a negative. The group dynamic fosters a group creativity, which I found hugely entertaining and invigorating. It’s easy to forget how exciting working with other people is when you spend 4 years sitting in an ivory tower and dreading group assignments.

But what of ‘group-think’? Not that I think this has really occurred in any truly meaningful sense (at this point) but have our decision making capabilities been impaired by the need to acquiesce to other people’s priorities? I guess they have at points.

But I would say that compromise has resulted in more positives than negatives for me. However it’s not all happy sailing – my next video diary will be a more specific discussion of the too and fro of decision making and how it has had real effects to the exhibition it self.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Shae's Video Diary

stay tuned for a new one tommorow

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Group Meeting - Saturday 12 April


A Troglobite is an animal that lives entirely in the dark parts of caves. Such creatures have become specifically adapted for life in total darkness and over time they have evolved to develop improved senses of taste and vibration detection, while loosing anatomical features that are superfluous without light, such as functioning eyes and pigmentation. Troglobites are often endemic to a certain site, having adapted to its particular environment and food sources. True Troglobites are eyeless.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I finnaly figured out how to get on this blog.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Helen & Gwenneth: workspaces

Since Gwenneth arrived on Saturday we have been catching up (after almost two years) and sorting out the basics. Yesterday was our first day of working together in one space. We have had some great conversations, which was really nice after having clocked up a hefty e-mail dialogue in the last months.

We meant to e-mail pictures of our studios to each other before Gwenneth came to Melbourne, to get a sense of each others working environment, but didn't get to it. We thought to pass these images onto the blog now, even though its a little belated.

See you all Saturday